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2019 City of Anchorage Local Food Mini-Grants

The Alaska Food Policy Council is proud to once again partner with the Anchorage Mayor's Office to award a second round of Local Food Mini-Grants for projects focused on increasing local food production and access in the Municipality of Anchorage. The response to the call for proposals was fantastic, with 16 strong applications -- of which 12 were funded. Congratulations to the awardee groups and individuals from:

  • RurAL CAP

  • Mt. View Community Center for Boys and Girls Club

  • Girdwood Community Garden Project

  • First Congregational Church

  • Chanshtnu Muldoon Community Food Forest Project

  • Campbell STEM Elementary School

  • Woodland Park Boys and Girls Club

  • Bayshore Elementary School

  • Susitna Elementary School

  • Alaska Seeds of Change

  • Alaska Mental Health Consumer Web

  • Independent citizens who will hold a gardening workshop at a local farmers market.

Projects range from school gardens, to community gardens, to food-focused, community-engaged educational programming.

This year is a little different, in that awardees are asked to share project updates via social media posts -- so stay tuned for shares through the AFPC Facebook page! Given the popularity of the grant program and the positive outcomes of the awarded projects, AFPC is keen to explore opportunities to expand the number, geographical distribution, and size of the awards. If you would like to explore ways to partner with AFPC in future mini-grant initiatives, please contact AFPC board member Liz H. Snyder at!
