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We have a limited number of volunteer positions. Please read through the descriptions of possible roles below. We require a 3-hour shift per conference day in order to register at the discounted volunteer rate. If you are interested, complete the form found at the end of this page.

NOTE: All volunteer positions have been filled; please complete the form below and we can place you on the waiting list.


Registration Volunteer
Responsible for welcoming attendees and distributing registration materials and conference bags. Attendees will expect you to have the answer to everything, so familiarize yourself with the conference schedules, room locations, etc.

Volunteer Check-In
Responsible for checking out supplies to presenters and/or checking in volunteers as they report for duty.

Room Moderators
Responsible for ensuring that computers and projectors are working appropriately and assisting presenters in ensuring that their presentation are loaded and the presenters know how to use the computers. They will also assist with transitioning rooms that may be divided for sessions and then reopened for larger sessions.

Hospitality Table Volunteer
Hospitality volunteers need to be very familiar with the conference schedule; special events, restaurants, and other items that you believe will contribute to an overall positive conference experience including information about the conference for first-time attendees.

Vendor Table Volunteer
Responsible for checking in and assisting vendors and encouraging participants to visit the vendor tables frequently.

Traffic Direction Volunteer
Responsible for giving directions to conference attendees at posts throughout the conference facility. Attendees will expect you to have the answer to everything, so familiarize yourself with the conference schedules.

Social Media Volunteer
These volunteers must be experienced Facebook users who are knowledgeable about social media protocol and best practices. Volunteers must be on site for the duration of the conference. Volunteers will not be tweeting as official representatives of the Alaska Food Policy Council or the Alaska Farmers Market Association but will coordinate with the conference organizers to ensure consistency of message.

Silent Auction
Assist with receiving silent auction items, helping donor fill out silent auction form, track  and close bids, provide security to donated items and assist with receiving payments and issuing receipts at the end of the auction and getting the silent auction item to the purchaser.

Chef Demos
Assist with getting demos set-up and taken down and clean-up afterwards. .